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Main page Corporate governance Board of Directors Committees of Board of Directors Board HR and Remuneration Committee
Board HR and Remuneration Committee

Structure of the Board HR and Remuneration Committee:

  • Faisal Alsuwaidi (Chairman of the Committee)
  • Viktor G. Martynov
  • Govind Kottieth Satish

The Committee’s objectives and functions

Main objective of the Committee is to assist the Board of Directors in protecting the shareholders' interests by way of assessing the efficiency of the Company HR policy and continuity policy, the appointment and remuneration system, and by assessing performance of the Board of Directors, executive bodies and other top managers of the Company.

Key functions of the Committee are as follows:

  • ensure involvement of qualified experts in management of the Company and provision of required incentives for their successful performance;
  • perform efficiency assessment of the Company’s governance bodies;
  • conduct continuous monitoring to ensure compliance of the Company HR and social policies, incentive program, performance assessment and remuneration systems with the Company development strategy, labor market situation and financial standing of the Company;
  • ensure the Company Board of Directors regular interaction with the Company executive bodies and HR service.

The Committees functions and mechanisms of interaction with other corporate bodies are governed by the Regulation of Rosneft Oil Company On Rosneft Board Committees.